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dealing with long distance relationship

Dealing With a Long Distance Relationship – Bridge the Gap!

Dealing with a long distance relationship is most couples’ nightmare. The stress and strain distance can put on a relationship is something that few relationships can withstand.

Just because it may be extremely challenging and stressful doesn’t mean you should give up on the love of your life. If a couple truly loves each other then it shouldn’t matter where they are located physically on this Earth.

Yes, it may be a challenge dealing with a long distance relationship, but it is far from impossible. Follow these guidelines and tips and your relationship should come out on the other side intact.

The most important thing by far when dealing with a long distance relationship is to keep the communication lines honest, open, and ever present. When the lines of communication between a couple are completely open and honest, the rest should just fall into place.

Honesty is a good thing, but remember also that sometimes honesty can hurt. Both parties should make honesty their number one priority. If there is no honesty then there is no trust, and without trust a relationship will inevitably fall apart when placed under the strain of distance.

Another cornerstone to a long distance relationship is the ability of both parties to stay faithful. This is every person’s worst fear in a relationship; to be cheated on.

Guidelines should be set prior to separating if possible. Temptation is present everywhere no matter where you are and needs to be addressed. It cannot be ignored or both parties could be at risk for extreme heartache.

One other major point in dealing with long distance relationships is the issue of boredom in a relationship. Talking on the phone for long periods of time may not suffice as a relationship for both parties.

Things need to be kept fresh and new; whether that means sending a care package with your lover’s favorite things or just taking the time to write a romantic letter, the little things are what keep things interesting and new.

Who wants to be in a boring relationship that only consists of talking on the phone at night? So just remember when dealing with a long distance relationship it is critically important to keep things upbeat and fresh.

Dealing with a long distance relationship isn’t always the ideal situation, but sometimes that’s just how life works out. Keep the lines of communication open and honest, set rules, and most importantly keep it fun, new, and exciting. These three tips will help any couple survive the strain that long distance can put upon a relationship.