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How Do You Cope With a Long Distance Relationship?

How Do You Cope With a Long Distance Relationship?

So life has thrown you a bit of a curveball, and your significant other and yourself will have to be far apart for a long period of time. There are certain ways to cope with a long distance relationship. There are many schools of thought on how to cope, but there are some tried and true methods that should work for just about any situation.

The number one thing to do is to fill your time. The more time you are alone and not doing anything, the more time you have to think about the distance between you and your loved one. This can prove to be toxic.

Yes, you heard me right; too much thinking can in fact be toxic to a LDR relationship. Too much thinking brews up jealousy and mistrust, two emotions that should be avoided at any cost.

Just keep yourself busy while you are away from your partner, and you will reduce the risk of introducing these and other poisonous emotions.

If mistrust or jealousy begins to brew in your head, it must be stopped immediately before it destroys the relationship. To cope with a long distance relationship you must deal with the emotions that come along with it.

The only way to stop jealousy and mistrust from growing into something that can ruin the relationship is to address it through open and honest communication with your significant other. LDR communication obviously can’t be done face to face, but using video chat is usually close enough.

Video chatting personalizes things a bit more than phone calls because you can see and read body language and facial expressions, and everyone knows that language is eighty percent non verbal. Take the time to express yourself and how you are feeling to your partner, and don’t let it build up inside.

Allowing for honest communication between partners is one of the best ways to cut off the poisonous emotions as well as comforting your long distance loved one. Just having a conversation daily with your lover can help ease the stress of the distance.

This will help both parties cope with the long distance relationship. Bring comfort to your loved one through honest communication daily and they will never forget you or find someone else.

Comfort can also be found in the fact that the separation is temporary, and that it won’t last forever. In times of doubt and loneliness try and look towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

Long distance relationships aren’t the best situation to find yourself in, but when you do, the only way to cope with a LDR is to squash the bad emotions and stay true.

If both parties can stay open and honest, half the battle is already over. Then it falls to the individuals to keep themselves occupied during the long time apart. Stay true to yourself and to your significant other and there is no amount of distance or time that will keep you apart.