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LDR Advice

5 Successful Long Distance Love Tips

The good news is you found the person you love; the bad news is they live a long distance away from you. Your aim is to keep the love alive. The following article suggests 5 successful long distance love tips.

1. Set the goals for your relationship

As soon as you decide to get into a relationship with someone who lives a long distance away or continue a relationship with someone who is moving a long distance away, you should initially set your goals for the relationship.

Decide where you both want the relationship to go. Are you going to live together at some point in the future and if so, when and where? You have to genuinely agree on your goals and make them happen; a long distance relationship will be far easier if both partners are working towards a common goal.

2. Do whatever you have to do to make your partner happy

Lets face it, in a long distance relationship there are times when you’re going to feel down, lost and unloved. If your partner feels the same way, do whatever you can to make them happy again.

If it means an extra telephone call every day then do it. Long distance relationships are all about give and take and you should both be willing to give to keep each other satisfied.

3. Communicate daily

Ultimately you will have to decide on some sort of communication pattern when you’re setting your goals for the relationship. Usually one of you will be content with less communication than the other, but ultimately you will have to reach a decision. You should however decide on a minimum communication level of at least once daily. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a call everyday, a text message or e-mail will suffice.

4. Be romantic

When you’re in love you should be romancing your partner. Just because you’re communicating digitally doesn’t mean that the relationship has to become mechanical. Defy the distance and just do whatever you can to be romantic. Send small gifts, send love messages, sing to your partner or whatever. How you go about it is up to you. But you’re a couple, so romance should never be put on the back burner, distance or not.

5. Tell your partner ‘I Love You

There is no better feeling than when your loved one tells you they love you. So never forget to tell your partner you love them. Let’s face it, a long distance relationship isn’t easy and the only reason you’re doing it is because of love. Telling your partner that you love them will remind them that it’s all worth it.