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Can a Long Distance Relationship Overseas Survive? Yes!

Can a Long Distance Relationship Overseas Survive? Yes!

Everyone knows that any long distance relationship is difficult, but just how much more difficult is it if your partner is based overseas? Is it possible that an overseas relationship can actually survive?

The first thing you need to establish is that both partners actually really want to keep the relationship going. An overseas relationship is hard work, so you both need to be fully committed to it. If not, you’re going to struggle to keep it going.

Once you’ve established as a couple that you’re going to make a go of it, talk about what you want the outcome of the relationship to be; ensure you agree on a common goal. When a common goal is set, you should both be working your ass off to stick it it.

The type of things that will have to be established are as follows: How often are you going to meet, and do you have the time and money to reach that number?

At what point are you going to live together, and who is making the move? How often are you going to speak to each other and how?

Do each of you want to set any relationship ground rules and can your partner happily agree to them? If you can agree on these things then you’re on the right track.

Save as much money as you can, both of you. Visiting is going to be expensive but you’re going to need to do it at some point. Cut back on the luxuries in life and remember that the biggest luxury you have is spending time with the person you love.

The difference between overseas LDR relationships and long distance relationships within the same country is that communication and visiting is more expensive (telephone and flight costs).

Fortunately the Internet has made it possible for you to forget all about telephone costs. Skype, Instant Messenger and E-Mail should be able to cover all of your communication bases.

Fundamentally, if you have the ability meet your goals set at the start of the overseas relationship, there is no reason why your overseas long distance relationship shouldn’t stand as much chance of surviving as any long distance relationship.