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LDR Coping Tips: Staying Close While You Are So Far Away

LDR Coping Tips: Staying Close While You Are So Far Away

No one usually chooses to be in a long distance relationship. You may have started out that way by meeting online or maybe employment has put you on opposite coasts.

There are pros and cons to a long distance relationship, but there is no doubt it takes absolute commitment and trust from both parties for the relationship to even have a chance. Another vital part of a learning how to cope in a long distance relationship is to always have open and honest communication.

Communication is incredibly important in any relationship but much more so in a LDR. Ask anyone in a long distance relationship and you will more than likely be told that the distance and separation will automatically breed mistrust.

The only way to get rid of this inherent mistrust is with open and honest communication. When open and honest communication is present, being so far apart isn’t all that bad. Although the obvious cons come to mind like a lack of physical intimacy, but no worries; this can also be remedied.

Long distance intimacy can help both parties feel more involved and loved…and no, I’m not talking about just phone sex. Long distance intimacy can be something as simple as sending your significant other a love letter or card.

Yeah, it would be easier to maybe send a text message or email, but that isn’t as sincere and can sometimes be seen as impersonal. Sending a letter is an endearing and timeless way to show one’s love from a long distance.

Long distance intimacy isn’t just limited to letter writing either. The possibilities are endless when it comes to creative ways to show you love a person even when you are so far away. It’s just important that you keep it fresh, or it may be taken for granted.

Sometimes people need to actually see each other visually to remind them of what their long distance lover looks like. This is where video chat has become a lifesaver. There is nothing worse than realizing you forgot what such an important person in your life looks like. The best part is, it’s free.

Long distance relationships really don’t have to lack intimacy. It just appears in different ways. Obviously physical intimacy is impossible to replace, but there are things that can help out in its absence. The problem there is the mindset that is brought to the table.

Many people consider it a labor of love to be in a long distance relationship, and that is somewhat true..it isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Think of the positives; the fact you have actually found someone who is willing to be apart for such a long time, but still holds you close.

You are important to them and they are important to you. That is something special, and something that regular relationships don’t have. So in times of doubt and loneliness just remember the old adage; absence makes the heart grow fonder.